Reconnect ro rebuild.
The time has come to rebuild Brazil.
In recent years, we have gone through the most challenging times in our recent history. After a global pandemic, natural disasters and the silencing of different peoples, it is urgent to reconnect with what unites us: our commitment to people and democracy.
Together, we can rebuild a country where public servants are true agents of change. Faced with increasingly complex realities, it is not enough to follow the same paths as always. It is necessary to innovate. This includes new forms of collaboration, experimentation and a better understanding of the differences present in our territories.
Innovative practice in the public service, with a transversal vision, is capable of transforming realities. Therefore, in 2023, we offer this invitation: reconnect to rebuild. A new connection that allows us to understand the differences, share ideas and learn new technologies and methodologies for innovation.
Reconnect to face public challenges, to rebuild a solid and representative democracy, committed to diversity and the environment. Reconnect to serve.
United, we can innovate to build a country that is more inclusive, sustainable and committed to democracy. A Brazil responsible for the future of all its people.